Curso Virtual Género y Salud, en el marco de la Diversidad y los Derechos Hurmanos 2012 versión 2

Course Starts call Virtual Gender and Health, as part of Diversity and Rights Hurmanos 2012 (version 2) that aims to initiate a regional continuing education on gender and health through the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH), in order to improve access to partners and counterparts PAHO information, evidence and tools, exchange experiences and build networks of cooperation enabling them to progressively integrate gender perspectives in the field of health.

Virtual Course on Gender and Health (CVGS) is an initiative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) that meets the needs of skills development of human resources (HR) in health, mainstreaming gender in policies , programs and projects in the framework of diversity and human rights (HR). An appropriate gender mainstreaming in health requires a theoretical basis - conceptual and methodological tools to examine the interaction of different factors at the individual, family, community, sectoral and global inequalities generated in the health of women and men. Also, to remove institutional barriers that limit the integration of gender in public and private health system, you must change the way human resources traditionally sector develop policies, programs and interventions.

The Office of Gender, Diversity, Human Rights and Bioethics (GDR) of PAHO / WHO, in keeping with the guidelines established in the Gender Policy (2005) and Plan of Action (2007), launches the second edition of "Course Virtual Gender and Health "as part of the Diversity and Human Rights as a strategy for technical cooperation and long term that will strengthen the capacities of mainstreaming gender in the work of Member States.

A group of experts of the highest in the Americas, as team of tutors (as) and course lecturers.


Those wishing to apply must have ten hours a week to develop course activities and actively participate in group instances, maintaining a continuous link with their tutor / other and with the working groups. They must have institutional support to apply. In addition to institutional ownership is considered their roles in the organization of reference and its ability to leverage its experience in the work context.

Closing date for registration: Friday, April 27, 2012

Registration request