PAHO offers new free courses to strengthen public health
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is offering a series of new open access virtual courses to strengthen the knowledge and competencies of health workers in several public health disciplines. With 1.7 million users, PAHO's Virtual Public Health Campus is a network of people, institutions and organizations that have been sharing public health courses, resources, and information since its establishment in 2008.  The self-study courses made available at the virtual campus allow...
PAHO presents the new Webinar Series on the renewed Essential Public Health Functions
The Pan American Health Organization presents the new Webinar Series on the renewed Essential Public Health Functions (EPHF), which is a fundamental part of the process being carried out by PAHO to strengthen the stewardship role of the country's health authorities and the areas involved with the exercise of the EPHF, involving the greatest number of actors and sectors, guaranteeing an intersectoral, broad and pluralistic perspective. 
The Virtual Campus bulletin is now available
The Virtual Campus' News includes information about new courses and learning resources available in the platform, and news from the countries' nodes.  Visit the newsletter here Sign up to receive the newsletter here  
Panama, 13 September 2021 (OPS)- The Caribbean Node of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Virtual Campus for Public Health launched two new tutor-based virtual courses on tobacco control.
Washington DC, 12 de marzo del 2021 (OPS)- La Dirección Nacional de Control de Enfermedades Inmunoprevenibles (DiCEI) del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación, el nodo argentino del Campus Virtual de Salud Pública/ Dirección de Talento Humano, ambos del Ministerio de salud, y la representación de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) en Argentina lanzaron el curso virtual sobre Campaña de Vacunación contra SARS-CoV2 que buscó capacitar a los recursos humanos para enfrentar exitosamente los...
